Five Reasons fruit is not bad
We have all lived through the diet fads over the years. First, fat was bad and we all avoided it. Then, the sugar and carbs we added to our low fat foods so they didn’t taste like cardboard got put on the naughty list and protein took the first chair. Although a more balanced diet seems to be coming back into favor, remnants of these fads still remain. Certainly one can see how confusion ensues after all this. As I meet with people to discuss weight loss there is one question I have to address repeatedly:
Should I eat fruit?
While I do not feel any food should be viewed as entirely “bad,” if there were naughty and nice lists for food, fruit would land toward the top of my nice list. The following are five reasons why we should stop hating on fruit.
Fruits are great sources of vitamins and minerals.
Many fruits contain a plethora of vitamins and minerals in substantial amounts. The water-soluble vitamins are most prevalent, including those with antioxidant properties such as vitamin c. Most nutritionists say the best way to get our vitamins and minerals is not through a pill, but through naturally occurring foods. Supplements have issues with absorption and bioavailability that do not occur with whole foods. If we want to be well nourished, we should eat a variety of fruit.
Fruit will help keep you regular.
Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint in doctor’s offices and results in 2.5 million doctor visits each year, according to Johns Hopkins Medical. I can tell you it is a daily discussion for me at my clinic. What people don’t realize is that an irregular or backed up gut causes more than bloating. Hemorrhoids, frequent urinary tract infections, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, and intestinal blockage are a few of the more serious issues that result from constipation. Apples, pears, prunes, and bananas are great sources of fiber, just to name a few. Regular consumption of fruit helps tremendously to keep things moving on a regular basis, keeping us well. Eat up!
Fruit can prevent and even treat diseases.
Antioxidants abound in these tasty natural treats, and there have been too numerous studies to cite that connect fruit (and vegetable) consumption and preventing cancer, heart attack, and stroke. I attended a Mayo Clinic conference on women’s health recently and an expert on women’s cancers discussed diets high in fruits, particularly berries, as part of her treatment for cancer. It turns out that getting your body the nutrients it needs actually promotes wellness and prevents illness!
Fruit is yummy.
Ok, so this one is not so scientific, or is it? Western society is trained to think of ‘sweet’ as a decadent dessert. Our palates have become skewed. The more we try fruit, especially fresh fruit, our taste buds adjust. We realize how delicious God’s natural creations are when we consume and appreciate them. When trying to eat a healthy diet or lose weight fruit can be a sweet treat that is a better option than brownies (my treat of choice). If we skip on the fruit we are missing out on a wide variety of flavors that we are meant to enjoy.
Fruit is a quick, easy, low cost snack.
For those of us who have busy lives fruit can be a great snack on the go. I often throw a pear, apple, or banana in my bag for a snack. Only a few times have I forgotten about it and found fruit mush soiling my belongings. Other than that I have no regrets in bringing along such an easy and tasty treat. For a family a small amount of prep can save a stop at the convenience store for chips or candy and create better habits for the wellbeing of the whole group.
With all of these excellent reasons to eat fruit, why would someone not want to eat fruit? The biggest concern people have about fruit is that it “turns to sugar.” While it is true that any carbohydrate metabolizes into glucose our bodies can use, to believe that a bowl of strawberries is equivalent to eating a bowl of ice cream is absolutely incorrect. Fruit, especially when balanced with protein like nuts or cheese, can be fuel for healthy living and help balance blood sugar. Fruits are great sources of essential vitamins and minerals, keep our bowels regular, prevent diseases, and they taste good. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, unless it’s this blog, which is only part my opinion and mostly factual. If you’re reading that fruit is bad for your diet, you need a new diet and a new website to follow.
Go on. Show fruit some love. It will serve your body well.
By: Gena Anderson